Emergency Information
Emergency Services as Defined by NAHB
If contractors are called out to your home and they do not find anything warrantable, or if the problem does not meet Emergency Service criteria as listed above, you will be responsible for paying the service charge directly to the trade.
The original contractor that installed your system, warrants the system during the warranty period. If you contact a different contractor company for services without expressed written consent from the builder, their services are not covered by the Builder’s Warranty and any service charge is to be paid by you and is not reimbursed by the builder.
A non-approved contractor that services a system on your house during the Builder’s Warranty period, will invalidate the system’s warranty coverage.
Emergency Warranty Service is limited to:
– Total loss of heat when the outside temperature is below 45 degrees.
This means that the furnace in your home is non-operational. If you have heat on one story but not the other this DOES NOT meet Emergency Service criteria.
Check with your gas company prior to reporting this to the Builder to ensure that there are no outages in your area.
– Loss of air conditioning DOES NOT constitute an emergency by NAHB standards.
If you are experiencing a total loss of heat to your home during business hours (Monday-Friday 8a-5p) submit a warranty claim here.
If this is an after hours emergency, contact the HVAC contractor directly. You can find their contact information on the furnace or in your Homeowner Manual and Orientation Booklet. If you are unable to reach the HVAC contractor, you may call the Warranty Department at 901-837-7773 and follow the prompts.
Emergency Warranty Service is limited to:
– Total loss of electricity. Check with the utility company prior to reporting this circumstance to the Builder to ensure that there is not a power outage in your area.
If you are experiencing a total loss of electricity to your home during business hours (Monday-Friday 8a-5p) submit a warranty claim here.
If this is an after-hours emergency, contact the Electrical contractor directly. You can find their contact information on the electrical panel or in your Homeowner Manual and Orientation Booklet. If you are unable to reach the Electrical contractor, you may call the Warranty Department at 901-837-7773 and follow the prompts.
Emergency Warranty Service is limited to:
– Plumbing leaks that require the entire water supply to be shut off.
– Total loss of water. Check with your water company prior to reporting this to the Builder to ensure that there are no outages in your area.
If you are experiencing either of these items during business hours (Monday-Friday 8a-5p) submit a warranty claim here.
If this is an after-hours emergency, contact the Plumbing contractor directly. You can find their contact information on the water heater or in your Homeowner Manual and Orientation Booklet. If you are unable to reach the Plumbing contractor, you may call the Warranty Department at 901-837-7773 and follow the prompts.
Natural Gas
Emergency Warranty Service is limited to:
– Natural gas leak.
If you are experiencing a natural gas leak in your home during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8a-5p) submit a warranty claim here.
If this is an after-hours emergency, contact either your utility company or the Plumber contractor directly. You can find their contact information on the water heater or in your Homeowner Manual and Orientation Booklet. If you are unable to reach either the utility company or the Plumbing contractor, you may call the Warranty Department at 901-837-7773 and follow the prompts.